Jingju Music Scores Collection
This is a collection of 92 jingju music scores gathered for the analysis of jingju singing in terms of its musical system. They were transcribed from the original printed sources listed below into a machine readable format, using MuseScore 2.1.0, and exporting them into MusicXML 1.0. Since the sources used the jianpu notation, scores were also transnotated to staff notation. The key, absent in the original scores, was set to E major for all scores.
The collection is available for research purposes. To access it, please refer to the contact details below. The scores_data.csv file contains metadata about each score, regarding work, role type, shengqiang, banshi, whether the accompaniment is given in full, and the MusicBrainz ID of the related recordings (if any) in the Beijing Opera corpus. The lines_data.csv file contains metadata about and annotations about each singing line in the collection, regarding role type, shengqiang, banshi, lyrics for the whole line and each of its sections, linguistic tones annotations, and starting and ending offsets for the whole line and each of its sections,
This dataset can be downloaded here.
Reference the collection
For referencing the collection, and obtaining a detailed description of it, please refer to
- R. Caro Repetto and X. Serra (2017) "A collection of music scores for corpus based jingju singing research," Proc. of the 18th International Society for Music Information Retrieval, Suzhou, China, pp. 46-52 (http://hdl.handle.net/10230/32603)
To access the collection for research purposes, please contact Rafael Caro Repetto (rafael.caro@upf.edu).
- Cao Baorong 曹宝荣, ed. (2010) Jingju changqiang banshi jiedu 京剧唱腔板式解读 (Deciphering banshi in jingju singing). Beijing: Renmin yinyue chubanshe.
- Jingju qupu jicheng 京剧曲谱集成 (Collection of jingju scores), 10 vols. Shanghai: Shanghai wenyi chubanshe, 1998.
- Liu Jidian 刘吉典 (1992) Jingju yinyue gailun 京剧音乐分析 (Introduction to jingju music). Beijing: Renmin yinyue chubanshe.
- Zhang Zhengzhi 张正治 (1981) Jingju chuantongxi pihuang changqiang jiegou fenxi 京剧传统戏皮黄唱腔结构分析 (Structural analysis of pihuang singing in jingju traditional plays). Beijing: Renmin yinyue chubanshe.
- Zhongguo jingju liupai jumu jicheng 中国京剧流派剧目集成 (Collection of plays of Chinese jingju schools), 21 vols. Beijing: Xueyuan chubanshe, 2006–2010.
Specific reference for each score can be found in the scores_data.csv file.