Usul in Turkish Makam Music: Examples
Most forms of composition in Turkish Makam music are based on a grid of organized pulsation. The structure of that metrical grid is partially defined by the usul. An usul is a rhythmic pattern of a certain length that defines a sequence of strokes with varying accent. Usuls are notated using a time signature. While the numerator denotes the number of pulses in the measure cycle and is constant for a given usul, the denominator mertebe may change depending on the tempo of a piece.
We provide annotated audio examples to illustrate some of the propular usuls in Turkish makam music. In the figures below, the notes on the upper line labeled düm denote strongly accented strokes, while the notes on the lower line denote less accented strokes. Notes on the upper line are executed with the right hand, while notes on the lower line are executed with the left hand.
The following usuls are illustrated:
The videos below illustrate the Düyek usul, which is notated as 8/8.
This excerpt is from the recording:
Album: Ferit Sidal - Sözlü Eserlerden Örnekler - Enstrumantal Eserlerden Örnekler
Artist: Various
Track: Bir Gönül Vardı Bende Henüz Aşkı Tatmamış
We display the right hand strokes using red colored ticks (marked as 'R'), and the left hand strokes with blue colored ticks (marked as 'L'), while the strokes of the right and left hand are acoustically represented by synthesized sounds that are panned to the respective side of the stereo recording. The beginning of the measure cycle is shown as 'R(1)'. | |
This video displays the regular beat pulsations derived from the usul strokes. The beginning of the measure cycle is emphasized using red colored ticks (marked as '1') in the video, and a different audible click. The beat pulsation is a series of 1/8 notes starting on the beginning of the measure cycle, because the Düyek usul is represented as a 8/8 meter in notation |

The videos below illustrate the Aksak usul, which is notated as 9/8.
This excerpt is from the recording:
Album: Ermeni Bestekarlar -2- (Armenian Composers)
Artist: Various
Track: Koklasam Saçlarını Bu Gece Ta Fecre Kadar
The video illustrates the Aksak usul. We display the right hand strokes using red colored ticks (marked as 'R'), and the left hand strokes with blue colored ticks (marked as 'L'), while the strokes of the right and left hand are acoustically represented by synthesized sounds that are panned to the respective side of the stereo recording. The beginning of the measure cycle is shown as 'R(1)'. | |
This video displays the regular beat pulsations derived from the usul strokes. The beginning of the measure cycle is emphasized using red colored ticks (marked as '1') in the video, and a different audible click. The beat pulsation is a series of 1/8 notes starting on the beginning of the measure cycle, because the Aksak usul is represented as a 9/8 meter in notation |