CompMusic Seminar: Computational analysis of Indian art music
Date: May 12th, 2014, from 10am to 12:15pm
Venue: Room 22, Victor Menezes Convention Center, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai (India)
Organized by: Prof. Preeti Rao, Dept of Electrical Engineering, IIT-B
This seminar will overview the research being done in the CompMusic project with an emphasis on the work related to Indian art music. The seminar is free and open to the public.

10:00am: “Introduction to CompMusic”, Xavier Serra [slides]
CompMusic is a large project funded by the European Research Council that aims to advance in the automatic description of music through the development of information modeling techniques applicable to five non-Western music traditions: Hindustani (North India), Carnatic (South India), Turkish-makam (Turkey), Arab-Andalusian (Maghreb), and Beijing Opera (China). By combining signal-processing and machine-learning methodologies we study the melodic and rhythmic aspects of these musics with the goal to identify musically meaningful patterns and develop similarity measures between them. In this introductory talk we will overview the goals of the project and the results obtained so far.
CompMusic is a large project funded by the European Research Council that aims to advance in the automatic description of music through the development of information modeling techniques applicable to five non-Western music traditions: Hindustani (North India), Carnatic (South India), Turkish-makam (Turkey), Arab-Andalusian (Maghreb), and Beijing Opera (China). By combining signal-processing and machine-learning methodologies we study the melodic and rhythmic aspects of these musics with the goal to identify musically meaningful patterns and develop similarity measures between them. In this introductory talk we will overview the goals of the project and the results obtained so far.
10:30am: "Research at IIT-B", Preeti Rao [slides]
Under the umbrella of the CompMusic project, research at IIT-B focuses on computational methods for Hindustani music. The goal is to exploit the distinctive characteristics of the genre to develop tools for musically relevant search and navigation within a classical music archive. The detected melodic and rhythmic patterns of concert performance audio, further informed by the semantics of available text sources, can provide for an enriched listening experience as well as open up immense possibilities for musicological studies.
11:00am: tea break
11:15am: “Tools for melodic and rhythmic description in Indian art music”, Sankalp Gulati [slides]
In CompMusic we have been analysing diverse rhythmic and melodic characteristics specific to raga music. In this talk we overview the methods that have been developed so far for tasks such as tonic identification, melody extraction, intonation analysis, melodic motivic discovery, raga recognition, and identification of tala related information, such as the sama, akṣaras and the beats.
11:45am: “Demonstration of Dunya”, Xavier Serra and Sankalp Gulati [slides]
Dunya ( is a web application being developed as part of CompMusic and designed to support the exploration of music collections with the technologies resulting from the project. It currently includes collections of Carnatic and Hindustani music and it can demonstrate some of the technologies that have already been developed. Dunya displays information collected from a variety of sources and it computes and visualizes information that has been automatically obtained from the audio. With this application a user is able to explore a music collection in ways that promotes the discovery of musically relevant relationships. In the presentation we will explain and show the functionality of the current version of Dunya.