Mridangam Stroke Dataset

The Mridangam Stroke dataset is a collection of 7162 audio examples of individual strokes of the Mridangam in various tonics. The dataset comprises of 10 different strokes played on Mridangams with 6 different tonic values. 

The dataset, showing the number of examples in each category: different stroke labels shown in rows and different tonic values shown in columns
  B C C# D D# E Total
Bheem 5 3 1 0 15 25 49
Cha 57 50 54 67 49 53 330
Dheem 127 86 78 12 111 54 468
Dhin 48 48 63 12 198 113 482
Num 81 98 97 18 143 60 497
Ta 145 165 217 180 119 105 931
Tha 200 185 211 224 196 160 1176
Tham 88 80 35 29 92 50 374
Thi 438 334 369 283 444 345 2213
Thom 136 80 72 91 128 135 642
Total 1325 1129 1197 916 1495 1100 7162


This dataset can be downloaded here.

Each audio file is named as, 

<Tonic> = {B, C, Csh, D, Dsh, E}
<StrokeName> = {Bheem, Cha, Dheem, Dhin, Num, Ta, Tha, Tham, Thi, Thom}

Audio content

The dataset provides audio examples for each of the strokes. The number of examples is shown in Table 1, for six different tonics and ten different stroke labels. 
The audio examples were recorded from a professional Carnatic percussionist in a semi-anechoic studio conditions by Akshay Anantapadmanabhan using SM-58 microphones and an H4n ZOOM recorder. The audio was sampled at 44.1 kHz and stored as 16 bit wav files. The dataset can be used for training models for each Mridangam stroke. 


A detailed description of the Mridangam and its strokes can be found in the paper below. A part of the dataset was used in the following paper. Please cite it if you use the dataset in your work:

Akshay Anantapadmanabhan, Ashwin Bellur, Hema A. Murthy, "Modal analysis and transcription of strokes of the mridangam using non-negative matrix factorization," in Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2013), pp.181-185, May 2013


If you have any questions or comments about the dataset, please feel free to write to us: 

Akshay Anantapadmanabhan ()