Software Tools
Many software tools have been developed as part of CompMusic that are freely available:
- compIAM (pip-installable common tools for the computational analysis of Indian Art Music, open to contributions!)
- ISMIR 2022 Tutorial Book (interactive web book to get started with the computational analysis of Carnatic and Hindustani Music)
- Dunya desktop (modular and extensible desktop application to explore the Dunya corpora)
- Sarāga (android app to explore and listen a collection of Carnatic and Hindustani music)
- PyCompMusic (tools to help researchers work with Dunya corpora)
- Dunya browser (web browser to explore the Dunya corpora)
- Turkish-Ottoman Makam (M)usic Analysis TOolbox (toolbox for the analysis of audio recordings and music scores of Turkish-Ottoman makam music)
- MOde Recognition and Tonic Identification (toolbox for mode recognition and tonic identification in audio performances of "modal" music cultures)
Other software
In CompMusic we have also contributed to several open software libraries and applications of the MTG:
- Essentia (C++ library of algorithms to extract features from audio files)
- Gaia (C++ library to apply similarity measures and classifications on the results of audio analysis)
- AcousticBrainz server (the server components for the AcousticBrainz project)
- AcousticBrainz client (a client to upload data to an acousticbrainz server)